2021, 3(1):23-25 e-ISSN: 2674-7103
DOI: 10.37085/jmmv3.n1.2021.pp.23-25
Jornal Memorial
© Copyright 2021
Image in Medicine
Radiological aspects of idiopathic lumbosacral plexitis
Armio José Araruna Dias
Júlio César Tavares Marques
Luís Felipe Gonçalves de Lima
Batista Lemos
Andrey Maia Silva Diniz
Otávio da Cunha Ferreira Neto
Keyvid dos Santos Pereira
Hildo Rocha Cirne de Azevedo Filho
Luiz Severo Bem Junior
UNIFACISA, Campina Grande, Brazil
Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil
Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital da Restauração, Recife, Brazil
Neuroscience Post-Graduate Program, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Idiopathic Lumbosacral Plexitis is a disease that does not have denitive causes but even starts to
be studied by Sander Evans et al. in 1981 hypotheses were forward related to viral infections,
vaccines and heterologous serum. Although more recently, studies have showed that the disease
can develop without immunological history. Multiple roots and nerves can be affected, and it
can be bilateral. The differential diagnosis of other pathologies must involve research for tumors,
traumas, and diabetes. The ndings of the disease include: autoimmune demyelination and
vasculitis with axonal lesion. The clinical condition is characterized by intensive pain, paresis,
hypoesthesia in lower members, and a limping gait. The prognosis is positive; however do not
have a complete remission without squeals. The treatment has not been dened but is common
to uses corticosteroids and immunoglobulin.
Artêmio José Araruna Dias
Edited by
Juliana Ramos Andrade
Lumbosacral plexopathy
non-diabetic lumbosacral radiculo-
plexus neuropathy
autoimmune demyelination
Received: June 27, 2021
Accepted: July 27, 2021
Dias AJ, Lima LFG, Lemos NB, Diniz AMS, Ferreira Neto OC, Pereira KS, Azevedo Filho RC, Bem Junior LS
Radiological aspects of idiopathic lumbosacral plexitis
diopathic lumbosacral plexitis (ILP) is a rare acute or sub-
acute neuropathic syndrome affecting mainly motor lower
limb. Multiple levels of lumbosacral plexus, nerve roots and
their distal nerves can be affected. This is an idiopathic dis-
order that are clinically characterized by weakness; atrophy
of the thigh muscles; and severe asymmetric leg pain. The
another symptoms includes hypoesthesia; allodynia and
autonomic dysfunction.
This syndrome is usually monophasic, despite that the recovery
is not complete, and the patients have sequelae. Have similar
features between (ILP) and diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplex-
us neurophaty (DLRPN). The neurological characteristics are
almost similar, although the pathological source is different.
The pathogenesis and etiology is uncertain until now, but
studies demonstrates alterations involves ber degeneration,
injury neuroma, focal thickening and microvascular ischemia.
No treatment has been proved until now. Actually is common
to uses anti-inammatory and immunomodulatory to reduces
the symptomatology and brakes progression of the disease.
To control another symptom like depression and anxiety,
antidepressants can be useful. The physiotherapy can be
applied to reduce movement limits and pain.
Images granted by Hospital of Restauração, Recife-PE
Image analysis
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most important
exam of neuroimaging in DLRPN and ILP. It is possible to
analyze the anatomical component and correlate it with other
ndings from other exams, such as electroneuromyography,
establishing an effective complementary exam.
In MRI, it is possible to assess other probable etiologies for
the symptomatic picture presented by the patient, identifying
if there are tumors, traumatic damage, compression sites, and
inammation. It is also possible to analyze characteristics of
each etiology, in addition to the extent of the lesion, its path,
in addition to evaluating the appearance of the muscles and
associated bone framework.
A classic and common differential diagnosis is the clinical
distinction between idiopathic lumbosacral plexopathy and
radiculopathy due to disc degeneration, which is sometimes
challenging, thus requiring imaging exams that can clarify.
In the image presented, there is no evidence of component
lesions disc or degeneration by facet arthropathy.
The MRI is so useful to shows slightly to moderately increased
T2 signal, gadolinium enhancement, or enlargement of the
nerve roots, plexus, and peripheral nerves.
In the image we observed revealed hyper signal in the L5 root
on the right with Electroneuromyography compatible with ipsi-
lateral root damage. This hyper signal denotes an idiopathic
inammation, since it has no evidence of demyelinating lesion;
neuropraxia; axonotmesis; neurotmesis.
Neuropathy associated with paraproteins or paraneoplastics
were also ruled out, as there were no ndings of such etiol-
ogies in the image.
Furthermore, it is possible to see that there is no nerve com-
pression that justies the clinical picture and the evidenced
inammation. It is not possible to observe the presence of
tumors, abscesses or traumatic lesions in the path of the nerve
and its root or in the tissues adjacent to them.
Dias AJ, Lima LFG, Lemos NB, Diniz AMS, Ferreira Neto OC, Pereira KS, Azevedo Filho RC, Bem Junior LS
Radiological aspects of idiopathic lumbosacral plexitis
T1-weighted sequences with 2-4 mm cut thickness and high
resolution are one of the bests techniques for demonstrating
the fascicular pattern of the normal nerve, and the anatomical
structures around the nerve.
Suppressed fat T2-weighted are very useful because have
a sensitive detection of different nervous diseases. The ad-
ministration of intravenous contrast agents can be utilized
to facilitate the image analysis. This is very useful to verify
an inammatory pathology and neoplastic naturopathies.
Robbins et. Al, 2016, identied different diffuse inammatory
plexopathies in their series, including heroin-associated vas-
culitic plexopathy and diabetic lumbosacral plexitis, multiple
mononeuritis, hepatitis C-associated vasculitis, sarcoidosis,
neuro-associated vasculitic plexitis, amyloidosis restricted to
the plexus and others.
In view of the careful analysis and investigation of the images,
as well as the clinical picture and the history collected from
the patient's anamnesis, it was postulated as an Idiopath-
ic Plexopathy. The main differential diagnosis is Diabetic
Plexopathy, which cannot be excluded by MRI, however the
patient did not have diabetes, nor did he have a uctuation
in the glycemic rate.
However, it is worth noting that the role of MRI in this pa-
thology is not to complete the diagnosis, as it is classied
as idiopathic. It was essential to correlate with the patient's
history, neurological examination and other tests (laboratory
and electromyography).
The sequels and the clinical condition of the Lumbosacral
plexopathy make that disease an important to be studied
and researched for the next years. Nowadays does not have
a consensus of the treatment and the diagnosis is not easy
and not common. The neuroimaging exams, clinical history
and physical examination are so helpful to nd the diagnosis.
Artêmio José Araruna Dias
Júlio César Tavares Marques
Luís Felipe Gonçalves de Lima
Nilson Batista Lemos
Andrey Maia Silva Diniz
Otávio da Cunha Ferreira Neto
Keyvid dos Santos Pereira
Hildo Rocha Cirne de Azevedo Filho
Luiz Severo Bem Junior
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